Wednesday, March 18, 2009



am a telegraph pole eye am cut but eye can stay up and not draw down
ground because the wires is holding up the second pole goes down and
then a third then we all go down to road comes up to stop the wires
from going down too far but they keep changing chopping them poles
one after one more gone is the lines to make them messages hum they
will target the Universities first the bombs will fall on the brains
they went to kill Amerika with a K imagine bombs falling out of a
clear blue sky decimating every building on the campus made me smile
the Chinese are gonna do it with Hot Air balloons and old propellor
planes like crop dustors that have been refueled with Hydrogen gassed
eye can make an Iron suit and pull it over a building roof with a
block and a tackle and a pullet pulley system designed as a weather
observatory all the campuses have them but with mye lack of luck the
way it seems to be the bombbay door would stick Shut up and mye
little door would just keep the bomb going off would just kill me
inside the smart iron suit would now be a coffin who wants to help
the Chinese anyway eye will most likely wind up fighting them some of
them will try to land and have some fun eye have to be a man than and

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