Friday, March 20, 2009

On 666 a Discourse Discusion

666 a Discourse Discusion

he left out the s in disscussion for a reason it was to make it fit
in the heading area not a deliverate misspelling. Eye just decided on
this topic because eye have had doubts that this identification
process is connected to the Mark of the Beast in the Bible at all.
The thing is mentioned only in the Book of Revelations and happens to
be about an actual mark on your hand or forehead not an ID number or
Card that is held in the hand and utilized as entry. The Cards that
are being used for identification are numbers or names BUT there is a
big difference there is still no Abomination sitting in the Holy
Place or a Demonic Beast actually present on this Earth to cause all
of us to worship it. Eye can refuse to use a card for identification
and not lose mye head over it. The Devil would not use this method
eye have had a social security number since eye was thirteen years
old or even twelve eye remember how mye mother got one for something
to do with school she kept it in her purse and would not let me touch
it. So eye never saw the first card at all. Or utilized it. Eye am
now 55 years older and have an Identification card that has NO social
security number on it. You are now asked and have that option. Not a
Devils Mark At All. On the Sabboath now let us decide the controversy
is always over Saturday or Sunday eye have a deep new found seeded
feeling that the Sabbath was originally on a Wednesday. GOD must have
started on Thursday. And ended on a Tuesday. Because for weeks and
months eye have been finding food on Tuesday and none on Wednesday.
Of course this can always be explained away like the dumpsters was
dumped on Tuesday nite but please a dumpster is not GOD and eye could
get some bread on Wednesday unless he wants me to have the Sabboath
day like the Jewish people do it. Just keep an open mind and go to
the Church of your choices but please try to remember faith is not
ever sight.
2 Corinthians
5:7 (for we walk under the condition of faith, not
under the
condition of what is seen); a perfect ending to this piece.

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