Monday, April 6, 2009



in divers places or earthquakes in diverse places the meaning can
astoundly be so different. Some people still quote eth meanings and
definitions in the Bible as literal interpretations. AN earthquake in
a divers place would not be readily apparent to anyone but sharks and
fishes. On the other hand an earthquake in a diverse place is just a
different place another locality or brace. Some people have blinders
on to their own safety and ignore people when they cry look out eye
want to help they are just enemies of them but nothing personal its
true it’s just the attitude of self preservation the survivor
must indeed kill the whole group and stand alone. What nerve the
people on the street that protect the community often kill the
survivor thinking they are doing the community as a GROUP a service.
What irony. When what they are doing is actually killing the group in
the longer run because it is made up of individuals one by one and so
they need to refrain from taking life. Let all them divers places
earthquakes rage and hurt no one. Earthquakes strip the land beneath
the feet away and reveal things there. Eye would not want to visit
Family now after years of homelessness eye would not relate to a
grown up cousine with her own family perhaps she is a granny now. For
no matter how ewe say it flesh and blood and all the rest of it eye
never met those children yet and never knew them one or all and never
will or never ought to do so in the history of man everyone goes home
to be the invalid not eye eye want to die with mye boots on. Out west
in the desert like a man at rest with no one weeping near mye pillow.
Perhaps just swallowed by a diverse Earthquake. Add to this
appendages eye used the computer so often in the last five years my
hands resemble crab claws more than fingers and thumbs as eye copy
and past all my past mistakes for the public’s viewing pleasure
eye am working at a collage computer room no lieberry where eye
chronicle this Nardia of Charlax moving the mouse in a circular

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