Wednesday, April 1, 2009



Jesus of Gethsemane. Jesus of the Garden. Jesus of the Cross. Jesus
was once a young child after having been a frail human baby. Born of
the Virgin Mary. He was pensive and preoccupied with his Divine
natural nature for He was indeed GOD in the flesh reconciling the
world unto himself. He must not have played football or partaken of
the Roman Games they had some way back when just like the Stadiums of
modern day televised mayhem. He studied Carpentry at the wizened
hands of Joseph married Mary. Joseph and Mary of Bethlehem late of
Egypt. Then back to Nazareth. Jesus was a teen. Sitting in the temple
preen telling all the old men a thing or three. When other children
were out there kicking soccer balls into the walls of Roman Stadiums
being televised on Roman Channel 7 Jesus was in that Temple area
reading from the Scrolls of Isaiah. They missed him on the way home
and hurried back there looking everywhere.
Jesus said, “Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know I had
to be in my Father's house?"

He was amazing grace. Amazing men. SonOFGod and SonOfMan.

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