Tuesday, April 14, 2009



masses have the pattern we can make the Solid Gold Computor now for
the select few million with the necessary funds.” This was the
header of the email from the Internet Gold Company. The Stock Broker
looked looney some stunned silence then “whay whay what.”
He cleared his voice. It sounded something like this. “Hharummmph.”
“The price is way too low you can charge whatever the market
can afford to pay and they can pay a lot just let me tell you now how
much.” Then he looked into the future them dollar signs was
lighting eyes of greedy misery. He paused. “A Computor made of
Solid Gold will bring upwards of Three Million $Ps. People will sell
there unnecessary transports and all other forms of entertainments in
an effort just to OWN one.” The President Paused then “we
have never done business this way” the price is fixed at
$p23,ooo. We will find a way to fire you mister Stock Broker”,
he was mad not just angry but mad. “We will make these new
computers affordable to all the people.” Then he marched into
the testing room like a large overweight hen. He rebooted the
Computor once then frowned down at the Robotic Instituted Instructor
rooted to the ground wire. In a metallic deadpan voice this machine
was masking tape overs when it said succinctly “you must wait
fifteen minutes before you can use the internet.” “Whay”
was all he said. The Robot continued “you must allow the Nano
Bots fifteen minutes to crawl onto the position connectors or you
will fry the Gold covered connectors.” “No one will want
these computers of Solid Gold no one will want to wait they want
instantaneous internet high speed connections. “Oh”, he
bewailed, “the price of fate!

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