Wednesday, April 22, 2009




Combover was eloquent and outspoken and a thumper of the Bible School
of misquotations the Church of the Covenant was near an empty Hay
field. Every Saturday they raked it but on this EarthDay Saturday it
seems that they forgot the rakes The Grasshoppers so used to
distribution moved up on their own to the Sides of the Church
Building and the Roof so seldom used they covered it in droves. The
migration there was silent no talking in the ranks. Perhaps ewe were
thinking then of Disney but this is true made up story life. They
never stripped the field of hay like locusts do in the Bible stories.
They only seemed to live a few moments of their time in each sad day
of life. Insects are rally fragile ewe and they don’t survive.
It’s also not true that they spit Tobacco juice although it
sure looks like it in consistency and size of blobber. The Preacher
was thumping the Bible so hard that dust mites screamed out in fright
the Congregation all jumped to a man all the Deacons turned and ran
then tossed open the doorway to the parking lot outside one man
yelled back over his shoulder and Cried “GOD will get you
someday Preacher.” For he had just misquoted the scriptures
again. He grabbed the Bible like a madman then chased after the men
like some doddering old drunk wanting another hit from the bottle and
they had carried it away outside the Grasshoppers flew out from the
roof and that Preacher almost died sure that it was the Plagues of
Egypt come from heaven down. But the Deacons all came back around and
laughing now they raked the Grasshoppers away not locusts John Henry
they smiled. It’s just Earth Day.

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