Wednesday, June 30, 2010




The Actor must be HUGE upon the stage foursquare not curtained on fore the world must keep on going on! The Play! The Play's The Thing. Fore certain. Bet you thought I got it wrong this is what William Shakespeare wrote. Perhaps CharlaX got it from his head inn hearte was felt a lesson plan? I reasoned out this attribute this statesmeant it just has got to be from him? To be or not to be was this the final question questing certain answers come back againe to hearte aparte frome judgemente smarte? To be or not to be was this an Actor not a poet homeless? OUT OUT brief candle flame floating in the snowe of wintere whims thus tractore beame from GOD to call home a Jesus Soul. One moore poet gone to home, a writer formed, a poet gone. The Play, The play's the thing. The Play. Fore all the world's a stage and every Poet is the Actor speaking in his written wordes. The sorrow borne of acuallity his depression leaking out and biting you who know. THEPLAY'STHETHING. The solitude of self-imposed sanctitude a life awry the useless knowledge leaking leaking gone. Like as to water in the rocks or Stone bleeding down perhaps the loss of too much needed blood has left the home no Garden but Entombe. The Play, The Play's the thing. Shakespeares a secret Christian under Bards robes wore a Catholic Rosary and Cross. The way he bellowed at Authority striving to be taken thus dispatched to heaven pearl gate to be a Hebrew slave among the liveing dead. The play's the thing. What woulld poor William say to us today. He was not a Poet making rhyme but a playwright writting times putting young lads in NUNS outfits on stage for no young women fit to spit his words onstage, the boys falsetto sent the audience to fits and giggles. The play the play the play (then falls) the play the play (the final curtain).

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Poor Man Walking

Poor Man Walking

Poor Man Walking

Streets of Gold they kept saying unto the me the old me was a drinking not ever thinking much of streets just money to drink another sweetsome beers not one or two or three but eye always wanted plenty even though it was not ever good for me and now the need is different the seed is saved inside of me my body will someday be changed to walk them streets of GOLD.

NO one is exempted from the death except the ones have said the JESUS is the GOD. The power of death has not no hold on us. The price a martyer pays is only this one life a sinner not ever saved may find hisself a dying twice. So think of that when the enemy wins and just walk poor man just walk them streets again.

Monday, June 28, 2010




To my wife eye leave. AHHA. The last Testament of Will.

March only non no

January a mistaken


Drafted and Edited bye CharlaX the Bard

Appended this June 28, 2010

The wife has gotten the sons we made thrice we wedded into bliss in the nighte mayhaps the lady will be kind to often meaty men. Five pounds of black licorice apiece. Yearly this seems so sordid to the moste of yew and yet twas a lot of work to make this poem upp and yet the limits of a finite minde in tyme of olden englais bolde The boys nammed Hearte the sayde Elizebethian Hall nee Hearte. Mye own dear hearts the Judyth and the sonne. Having Departed unto Jesus Christe from the Stratford on Avon unto OXford by the way of Train we had the boxcar over full upp the pullman and the limp lampshaded. OH Susanna please dont you cry for me bequeathed unto Susanna Hall a dripping panned for catching greased offerings. And to her husband John the Jesus Crisus eye bequeathe my snuff the last partacking bowle and lacey handkerchief. So many othere deserving relitives fourth fifth sixth and seventh sones to mustard more eye never thought of this before there will be great great grandsons left there in the Burrows near the Avon. They never let me copy my own plays and so they pass from me to the company docent docket you can get them now at any ticket office on Broadaway Street in NYC and in Londone. See me at the NEW Globe theatre perhaps in Glasglow they still speake of eye the Shakespeare fellowe. In the winter it is nice to be off the street and deep inside a chosen seat. The Romeo and Juliet will heat the heartes of Englishmen and men pretend to swagger out the dooraway to love. Gretchen from the kitchen gets the marshmallow treats she loves to kiss in secret and to eat. A tryst kit a basket a green and yellow task kit. The scarf she wore the ribbon that she left behind the tree. For poor William never making sonnets evermore. The Train is leaving now to OXford ---------- ALL ABOARD.

Sunday, June 27, 2010



GOD must have felt that he had done something wrong. His Planet as a broken embryo. Thankless as a populace. Why the atonement. To atone for something is to admit guilt. To act in such a way as to hurt yourself is almost criminal. The purity of creation is flawed by condemnation. The earth was spinning in one direction when the psy stopped the rotation. The psy simply reached for a bottle and wanted it so badly he ruined the whole earth. Psy took one look around at what he had done and shook the bottle out he shook it on the ground. He gave it up. GOD asked psy why. He simply said it was not worth this whole world that you had made to get my bottle to have my drink. GOD shrugged it off. Psy said can you start it spinning one more time. The earth gave a shudder and turned back over in the other direction going backwards now. That's why the days all seem shorter in the summer time. The sign of the end of the beginning now. (facetiously) paratrooper phrased In the latter last days of saints and mormons there will be oil spills in divers places. The wind will come a hurricane forcing oil into the sand witch areas. A hard rain of acid pummel falling. Children eat things they eat mudd pie. Grimace soup and sour dough smile. My hands grew hair in the psalms. Giving phrases to the masses. A bear foot up. One single smile. One long goodbye.

in order to understand this poem
the man
who writes is the poet
he defines
what is written
he is the man
he is the poet

Friday, June 25, 2010


Facebook Girl
SHe was not too young to chat and she was shy and thats a plus when dealing with old poets who are shy and like to chat with girls who are not too young to chat. SHe often had to stop and tell her mother why. Who are you talking with so often. OH she finally broke down and told her mother once he is an old old man on facebook. He has no chance of ever getting married and so we talk of love. The mother said you are too young to speak to me of love. And so she closed the laptop cover while the young girl cried for the old homeless poet. And then one day she was thirty five and married and she sent the old poet a message on facebook. And this is what he wrote. Eye am nearing 76 next October 29 my eye it is not dim eye never whine my love for ewe is just as strong as it was then when your Mother came between us then. The Girl read and reread that message every day for five long years. SHe changed her profile page to read her namme the Facebook Girl.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


The sound of thunder is the crash of lightening the clouds make noise as they burst asunder they collide with frenzy they polarize the silver lining of the sky. Who is up there flying in formations why do they care to meddle up the houses down below how do they whip that wind into the blow that smites the simpletons and leaves and misses the rich in them skyscraper towers. Is it angels or devils can they decide to kill the people why is not the LORD always up there in charge. Iff eye were an angel flying to deliver messages the houses down below would not crumble into rubble but yet and iff eye were the devil wingging the houses the houses the houses would burst asunder into stone. Why do good people suffer why does trouble come to them is the problem the question asked almost every summer completed in the present tense. A CHildrens game of rock and scizzors paper covered participles make the poem into far reaching obscure rental property has to be paid on time or confiscated. Pay the rent on time or pay the pauper be the homeless in the alley way and wake up the new tenant make hay while the sunshines sally forth into the new magnificent seven. Actually there was only three. How dare you actually awakened me. The dark cloud the lightening bolt and the noise. All of these are the thunder sounding one huge crash and then that rolling noise. EYe see the thunder coming in the clouds of worry eye hear the lightening sounding as the fire of light disturbing flying from the sound of thunder passing by. Near the ground but over the fortune of the noise. The fiery crash sounds like lightening.



Eye looked and its okay to want eye stared into those (color added here) eyes. Eye want to love (namme goes here) a lot of women differant aged and differant sized with differant colored eyes it is no lie eye love to want my girlfriend in the night. My lady has my heart she does not have to worry the part of me that wants to Bull in field is needing exercise today eye think eye want the cow and all the other cow eye see the way is slowly forming eyes as limpid pools. Away in the manger away down south in Dixie away in the outer spaced places where the bulls run in the grasses. Away down deep inside them Johnson grasses where they said you boy just you can not hide there them grasses is too short but they get tall they get immense they get so tall they crossed the fence they left the field they topped the ridge they crested over hill and over dale the ending of them Johnson grasses never found the hounds run the bluff.  A depression area inside the grassy knoll where eye can hide my naked want and play to hearts content in hay the girls all pretty there is none to diss me off. Eye thought of ewe last nite and somehow tried to stop the ending off or up but it got messy on the end eye caught it in my hand again and let me tell you woman you could not be ashamed of any of my love them limpid pools of eye. Did you realize just now what eye was talking about love. What a pretty color are your eyes?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010



He was nerves and they had to bolster up his confidence. He had inflection and accented his verbs left the tenses. They worked on him as iff they were Gestapo and he was the American majority. They were saying YOU sir have the confidence. The very wrong thing to get some nervous person to repeat. But they did not understand how wrong things could get. It might mean years of prison or just confinement. He did it for them finally they got him dressed and listend to his best rehearsal of the text. Eye am confidant. He was relaxed and quite ready to try. He was taken into custody at the guarded shack here is the way it went down. He sauntered and swaggered NO they Americans did not tell him to do that, he must have been practicing his swinging when they were not looking he had almost a pint of good Vodka within him. He may have made it out iff he had not been so drunk. But when the guards asked him WHO he was he slurred his voice and spit this out just once , I am the confidant. Con fee daunt. Like that. To them it means Con Fie dent. The snitch. They cuffed him and stuffed him into the holding tanked he slept it off and woke up in the inner most dungeon there he was told a full year will past before you will be let go. Because in the langauge of these European guards he was saying this to them. EYE am the snitch. This is from the past the things we used to do just dont work now in this new millineum. Time to overboard and think just go out to the desert and walk around the GuardedShack. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Fear doth not explain it not all of it not even some of it not a little of it not the TYPE of man we deal with. He is living under fears he is so walking in his fear he moves aside of men and gripes at them but balks at going all the way defers his anger and his strife when putt upon the spot he balks and aqueists. He realizes he could lose his job his bread his little motor in his car is wired for alcoholic gas. The man is not his equal he does not arm wrestle with his boss he does not flirt with losing its his loss. He needs security of job. The check the money bottom line. He is the yes man. He does not argue under penalty of poverty will come. He hides his insecurity well he nods his head from negative to nod again he looks like he is a deer caught in a headlights when his boss shakes just one finger in the air again. Completing the gesture with his answer his refrain often repeated throughout the day he sayd NO no non no way. NO no non no way. Until the bosses finger goes away is lifted down and forgotten as a point being made. For the moment all is well again. Having bought his time he follows his MAN with this Yes attitude that keeps him employed and used at least for the end of this week is all he can see the next paycheck keeps him grovelling. A puppy needing hand held food. Its the somersaulted vacillated acquiescent overpayed benefitless intellectual proprietary man. Type Gym.



He adds his poetry when he makes one anew. He adds to his online lieberry can you not imagine what he has to go threw for yew. He works harder then anyone known or unknown. He must open up his picture folder and then select each one to be added to the pome. He reads and rereads each poem because he cares what he does post. He loves the comments that all his minions post. He comes back and smiles and adds and sighs and sometimes likes and likes the likes. IN between the bytes and Root beers he floats. An olde englishe toast. To JOhn BUrroughs in his burrow there. His Lair of poetical posting places his online facbook stories and links and musickal you tubes. This one is now published just for YOU Ohio SIR. A little thankz yew in a great big internet world. For Jesus Crisis. from a facebook friend.



The Crime was only on paper. They call it embezlemeant. Iff the old west is wild then why try to live that way now iff billy bob bad is the only way to be on the street then no one can walk but little billy bob bad thats me. President Whirly was mad. NO one including Donald Plence the treasurer was ever remembering him this way. He was positivley turning green. The computor lay near his foot crushed into several thousand small pieces each one beeping on and off like some bizarre New York siren. He said GET ME the head of Development Department. Plence called in Doctor Hice from MIT. He said OLD MAN what is your problem. WHirly smirked and smiled an aweful thing to see so early in my day. He said we want a new internet. Is that all ? said eye. Eye can do lots of things Whirly but that may be impossible. It will take some research and some time. PublicINternetBroadcastingCompany or PIB is now available for most City and Cultural Gardens. a free company service from a Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company. It is on your wireless button now like any other unsecured provider. All this good Doctor had to do was find the existing signals how they work then tweak a new one and set it up to broadcast on a wireless cabablity for everyone to access no matter home owner or laptop or hand held computor. This signal no longer works in Iceland. Sorry. The World Bank refused to sanction some parts of Peru. Eye think the third world countries are all covered and that means the poorest people among us in this WHOLE WIDE WEB can access the facebook. Add me as a friend iff you love Jesus. PaperBank. Doctor (bad billy boy bob) Hice. Persident of a division of Buy all our services but access your computor now for free. It works for me and eye am the head of developmeant. Sorry cell phones not included. You can blame AT$T for copywrite infringemeant. 

Monday, June 21, 2010



One foot in front of the other and repeat one foot on front of the other and repeat one foot in front of the other and replete. The hillside is inviting the solitude of camp the danger non existent in the wilderness. WO0olf. Grise in the ricks the stines have ricks the stines ricks have grise. Licks in ticks in slick ticks have licks. Absolute nonsense is better than far wisdom from the eastern river shore to cross the idea of being there with the idea of being back here would be too many miles to walk. One chance to be the best to outdistance. Like that Borneo man of old days they called him Wild man eye suppose he was in danger. They can not find androids with heat sensors they simply dont emit. You could putt a loose leaf binder near my head to make it glow. The binder will turn cherry read and pitts. Bukowski killed tommy he took off his shoe and smashed him on the papered wall of motel room. Danny is the one that got the love. Eye got so hot and horned toady in the river styx. My act of contrition was to give a cat a kiss. The thing slides inside the motion of the action is the acting the accompaniment is what makes love. The kiss and the eyes touching nakedness. The hands moving where the eyes are looking. Holding the want and feeling it move. Holding the love. Can you feel what eye am talking about my artfull handfull taking liberty. Love does not have to be dirty to be love.

Sunday, June 20, 2010



Try to think in terms of self rightness not righteousness because religion is ignored they want to be bad they ignore your nice they make you want to be bad and then they pounce. YOu can be tucked away inside a safe house placed in bed and still be drawn into a new request sometimes at your own behest a subliminal guest receiving tension the person you love is away in another time zone fast asleep in his horrible estate. Your fantasy is his fast entreat. He waits until almost morning the dawn is fast approaching and he touches love and thinks of you. SUch a small gesture for you are a woman of stature complete with your needs and love down deep inside. The one that loves you can never ever have you in the manner of the world that never loves. DO you think of his release of his quick display hurriedly and furtively lest he be seen by men he loves frantically and magically for he has seen a picture of his lovers hair. Confusion mounts in moments of despair he sees her bald he sees her shorn and wonders where the long flowing locks have gone. She shudders suddenly in his spent embrace and gives her all. Is love any less when removed into a dream of you a want of some large testament of love discovered all over again just this one more time of love brought to fulfillment at least in fantasy to this one part. Iff it brings happiness to just one of us the price of happiness is love. Iff it makes you happy too then its the love that pays the price. Synapse.



Try to think in terms of self rightness not righteousness because religion is ignored they want to be bad they ignore your nice they make you want to be bad and then they pounce. YOu can be tucked away inside a safe house placed in bed and still be drawn into a new request sometimes at your own behest a subliminal guest receiving tension the person you love is away in another time zone fast asleep in his horrible estate. Your fantasy is his fast entreat. He waits until almost morning the dawn is fast approaching and he touches love and thinks of you. SUch a small gesture for you are a woman of stature complete with your needs and love down deep inside. The one that loves you can never ever have you in the manner of the world that never loves. DO you think of his release of his quick display hurriedly and furtively lest he be seen by men he loves frantically and magically for he has seen a picture of his lovers hair. Confusion mounts in moments of despair he sees her bald he sees her shorn and wonders where the long flowing locks have gone. She shudders suddenly in his spent embrace and gives her all. Is love any less when removed into a dream of you a want of some large testament of love discovered all over again just this one more time of love brought to fulfillment at least in fantasy to this one part. Iff it brings happiness to just one of us the price of happiness is love. Iff it makes you happy too then its the love that pays the price. Synapse.


you carry my heart inside your heart
you love me your way you have eye have never doubted that you love me this eye have accepted as unalterable you love me
you carry me inside your heart the part of me that passes for life is gone from me eye find it not in passing
you carry my heart inside your person you have the part of me that makes decisions and reasons 
you carry my heart away with you to where you are now
you carry me away you have my heart eye only have a portion of it back when eye have contact with your love
when eye am satisfied that ewe aer safely on the ground and alive and well and satisfied with love you carry mye heart around in my religion the flesh is dead the spirit gives it life and yet the Lord said to take care of the Body for someday he shall bring it upp again to Resurrection. Eye scratched the bottoms of my feet they itched eye removed the socks and turned them outside inn and putt them back on again so eye can access shoes and walk. Down the sidewalk and out into the rain of heat the sky is sending waves of brain pounding bleats into the space eye need to access this reason that eye need just to continue you carry mye heart eye still need a reason

Saturday, June 19, 2010


He was eight or nine he felt too old to be subjected to the pie chants and yet he listened in spite of all that because he loved. Henrietta Seuss Geisel, chantting her pies. Apple berry, leering berry, mincemeat for Larry, meringue for Helen beef and Guinness for John the Jesus, pecan with walnuts, lemon pie, white pie with no lemons, pumpkin and other summer fruits for Megan. Ham and turkey macaroni pie with meat and sans for Christina.......... Cobblers full of cheese and onion cherry mutton for the sage among us. Meat pie veggie pie long folding over pie there was short pies and tall pies she had so many of them jointed pies and ladder pies she filled TED head with all them pies. Sixteen Bird pies four and twenty for mye Jennifer. Peach pie with custard cream and raspberry. Fruitless pies and fruity ones pies piled high and pies placed low. Pies for children only for adults some eaten only on the sly and quickly eaten upp. 
Pie for poor pie for rich pie for moderate and pitched pie and mudd pie and tolerant pie she loved to chant four hours of her pie. Dark and light pie. Rutabaga and rhubarbed. Furball hacking cat in the hat pie. Rolling pinned pie and crusty pie but the best pie she gave to the little Doctor Seuss was her limitless pie. And thats the truth. CharlaX strikes back. For Doctor Seuss.


He was eight or nine he felt too old to be subjected to the pie chants and yet he listened in spite of all that because he loved. Henrietta Seuss Geisel, chantting her pies. Apple berry, leering berry, mincemeat for Larry, meringue for Helen beef and Guinness for John the Jesus, pecan with walnuts, lemon pie, white pie with no lemons, pumpkin and other summer fruits for Megan. Ham and turkey macaroni pie with meat and sans for Christina.......... Cobblers full of cheese and onion cherry mutton for the sage among us. Meat pie veggie pie long folding over pie there was short pies and tall pies she had so many of them jointed pies and ladder pies she filled TED head with all them pies. Sixteen Bird pies four and twenty for mye Jennifer. Peach pie with custard cream and raspberry. Fruitless pies and fruity ones pies piled high and pies placed low. Pies for children only for adults some eaten only on the sly and quickly eaten upp. 
Pie for poor pie for rich pie for moderate and pitched pie and mudd pie and tolerant pie she loved to chant four hours of her pie. Dark and light pie. Rutabaga and rhubarbed. Furball hacking cat in the hat pie. Rolling pinned pie and crusty pie but the best pie she gave to the little Doctor Seuss was her limitless pie. And thats the truth. CharlaX strikes back. For Doctor Seuss.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Smither ends

Smither ends

We never needed entire houses or villages the outlay was complete. The uniform was smaller then the waste. The desert reaches. It is death in the valley no shade can stop the dehydedration. It happens every day in them high high muckey places. The smither ends. One long step then one more then another until the miles add under. The robot wonder wandering. IN a group of three three must agree or two but never one. The group must have them rules. Two can overrule one. One has no vote. Three agree. When three agree or two agree the one must go along with three. Thirst has taken many lives hunger adds them to the dust. Let sleeping dogs lie for they can never tell you truth. She is a looker. This is several. She looks. She is easy to look at. She looks at others. She has good looks. She looks good. She is pretty. She is pretty good. She is looking good. She is looking easy.  Eye flew to the dark side of the moon to try to understand my death it was only so the ewe could live. Eye beat the odds and lived instead. At least longer then eye had planned. Mortality interferes with life. People who are limp wristed are not necessarily gay. They might have a laptop with a mouse pad. Eye twist mye wrist to make a tap on laptop mouse pad. Eye am neithor gay or even very happy. A penny one penny just give me one penny a boxer in Lost Vegas was panhandling to get more beer. He said He had fought with all of them Joes Joe Gans
Joe Louis
Joe Walcott
Jersey Joe Walcott
Joe Brown
Joey Maxim
Joe Glick
Joe Lynch
Joey Giardello
Joe Frazier
Joe Calzaghe
Joe Goss
Joe Jeanette
Joe Choynski
Joey Archer
Joey Archibald he said he went to SMither ends. He may have meant smithereens, ewe should have seen his teeth were gapped. Give me one Penny , just one penny. Waz his rap. 



 Four two people to walk anywhere at all they must be like minded. Eye lost a good friend today. He did not understand the value of my friendship for what had eye offered him but safety netted. Minions must judge. A bird in hand or let go in bushes. COncrete jungles demand attentions. He is rather absurd in his lack of reasonings. Eye took my friends bike with two flat tires and locked it with a new lock to keep it safe instead of thanking me he asked me to remove the lock return the bike to the bushes without a lock so he can access his tires without recourse of using eye. He eliminated the safety net eye had created him. Eye tried to explain it thusly. Eye had removed the bike and so can anyone that comes along in the same manner that eye. His reasoning was thus. He was doing that before eye came along. ??? DONT you want the bike safe. NO. He said you are not really helping me. You can not lock my bike away from where eye can reach it comforatably. What an idiot. Eye do not think the bike will stay where he has left it unlocked. The law of averages and locks are gone applys. It putt me off my breakfastes. He must knoe eye hurt his feelings more important then the safety of his bike and our new friendship gone unlocked. It reminds me of the time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010



MOments pass they turn into minutes then horribly an hour is gone missing. The time moves too slowly to be captured. I went to far afield there is no retreat or solitude he went past me and did not return eye would know iff eye was taken in the night we have ways of knowing these things eye am allright nothing is missing or penetrated. He was oozeing dripps of knowledge but decided to ignore the homeless protocol. Caught by a thief no chance at all except the bluff. Layered in plain sight no escape too heavy stuck in reflective light. He the sourus eye the snail. The mentality of the streets predicts failures the faith no matter the love in heart does not impress my enemy is strong he detects fear in faces averted and hiding from the truth but he flees from certainty and youth. Eye am old. Stealthy and wealthy eye avoided the reality. Eye simply slug. Eye just exist. Eye would trade you every one of these days eye have left of life iff it would make yours longer and better mye wife. My life for yours. A higher calling now how can Johnny preach when he can not stand in sleep as homeless in the night. They come pretending; Loftily. 



Terillium tum tum thwack thwack rithm run

run run rithm thwack tum tum terillium. Pick and strum and strum and pick. Twang tip top ting ting top tip twang. Terillium thwack top top tip pick ting ting thwack tum tip. Thump tump tic tic tump timp tomp tamp tamp tamp. Thick thin thin thick thick. Pock pock pick pack pack pack. Terillium strum strum strum. Sham shum shimmy shim shum. Shill shill shill shay shay show. DId you hear the Banjo. 


INstiKutional inbred
INcarcirated liberal
                         Kintukcy Golddigger
                      INstrictional Bypassed
National Rental
entertainment carpentor
transporter beamor
intrapped minder
calibrated imbiber
analytical informer
longwinded bozo
INstiKutional inbred
INcarcirated liberal

SO eye asked one of the professors who he was. He looked blank. The eye said do you know who you are. He looked down at his namme tag and flipped it around so he could read it backwords. 
simulated latte
start with some leftover ice in a starbucks cupped
add some pepsi from a aluminum
add some water
and some real strang looking coffee
let it melt
but drink it cold
in the shade ewe
and finale~
lit tle lit tle birdy way up in the sky
why did you do that in my eye
men complain and birds do fly
gee eye am glad that 
do not fly


Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The brightest dimwit the best BMOC the greatest student to walk the hallo must be a victim of luck. They simply want to be the best they had the breaks the upbringing the works to get them here they strive to be the matador of school. then they miss the starting gun. This was overheard. Yes FATHER yes they have all those sports training exercises here YES they seem to be the best thing since sliced butter BUT they dont have my EXpertise. They said it is not an OLympia event so they dont have classes or special training set up for the side stroke. The entire swim team never heard of such a thing he must be from a small town just born in a small town eye was born in a small town too.  The Scissor kick the back float oh why where is it gone. Eye will not give kudos when scathing is what is needed as replies. You say building habitat but no you build a shadow of your money world to add more to the woe of world untold. YOu make houses that sell cheep for hens and men that payless but they still must pay affordable housing is where all the crack houses did they came. You have not learned that life is free from GOD and mabe will you never make it pay more silver make it pay more sod. BUry all the homeless near me for someday we will ARMY up above. Swim into Olympia while you jog with carry bag of strapped on shoulder with hands in dirty pockets while swimming the side stroke for a medallion. The biggest meanest mother of you can not win by doing the side stroke.









eye will have poetry in my life.

eye will have ewe in my life.
And adventure.

ewe will have poetry in your life.
And love. Love above all.
No ... not the namby pamby of a useless new york fop but a lot of love,
not playful and poetical games of love
for the ruination of an evening, but love
that ... respects life. Unbiddable,
ungovernable --- like a riot in the heart,
and nothing to be done, running up and down all my emotions on come ruin or rapture.
Love --- like there has never been in a respectful play.

for ewe are still and ever mye Lady. 


Tuesday, June 15, 2010


My horse is namme is comatose. He is only three. Hands or years or inches tall he rides the wind near eye. INvisible he gallops eye. A tiny horse with several wings a fairy he he rides the wind near me. He tides the sea. He scans the sky for eye. The Bell Jar. She took the lidded slipped the ringged poured out the sustanence when thing was empty filled it upp more water for the thing inside ate her lunch then took it home back for her supper over full and flowing over. The tiny horsey slips inside the ring he sips the soupy substance under thing he slips the ring back over then he wings away to eye think the ladys supper is too small to over show her she will wind up starved and sucking softly in the horses stall. He makes me smile. 


ANd yet and iff eye say too you tommorrow iff eye say to you MONROE would you think of Jesus ashes laying near the road. Louisana had a fire. Red Hot Jesus styrofoams. Toast no marshmallows save all the bread for loaves. IMages of JEsus come and come and go. Shrouded in the mists of Turin. Seen upon a dozen bakers loafs. Signs and Wonders truths are told of Statues weeping blood mostly in religious catholic places hands and feet and side simulated blood dripping down the Aisles. The Cross on Mars near that photogenetic City there. Its on the Moon. That Cross is everywhere. Mabe Martians worshipped Jesus long ago. Those canals just catacombs of love. Every homeless Mission house is singing songs for supper. Every meeting hall in Church and every hall of suffer. There is homeless meeting Jesus in the sky holding up his Toasted Bread to see the face of Jesus there inside. Jesus in the hallway floating inner space. Jesus in the air at every Country Fair they sell those Jesus faced muffins there. Hurray Hurray Step Write Upp and get your cupp with Jesus mugged. There is Little Jesus Faced Doggies nodding up and down and up and down in the window of every Cadillac in Monroe town. Every doorway full of bread that looks suprised like Jesus head. The people stopped at only just one place and Jesus will never see his Jesus face on Money. The new money will be only one image of the devil son. The bread of evil 666 the image of the beast is never Jesus kissed. The Bread of Life is full of Jesus Images. 


We need a adivice to make people more polite or a pole lighten or. Prefrences. SOme people ignore the obvious and go for what they want or are more used to perhaps a service in the public eye. Eye personally do not condone capitalism for they have all the money that eye gave to them and eye just have the need to need some more. The services rendered to eye are never equal to the cost plus the fact that some things are blessings and should cost more then they make them cheaper. We need that WHopper Burger now with out the meat just make it breaded cheese with lots of differant kinds of vegatables make one with cucumbers and onions. Mark the price for 59 Centavoes. This is the MODERATOR of this forum. We have been moderating yew for quite some long time. We feel that others of your kind may be lurking out there on laptops just waiting to get  in here and ruin our little hidey hole places. We can remove your traces we can send you back outside to dig them ditches where you dont belong in here with us ELITEists. The powers that be the powers that ism. WE have come to the conclusion. Negative vibe upon negative jibe is jive. We have filtered your IP Address it says you live n Longhorn Tejas. The Proxy that serves you well. YOu can kick me out of the place where you must stay but eye have the rest of the space all the whole world to still play and stay. Eye have become someone you knoe nothing more about time. To beard the lion inn his den or let him roar at others fend him off you patron saints or let him come and steal your fate. Germinate the seeds of nazism make the hate grow inside the young you already color code the clothes. Whole summer classes living in the soccar uniforms. YOu are more then unpolite. YOu are like unto a living stone.

Monday, June 14, 2010

chases dreams

chases dreams
eye have no real early recollection of the life before computor eye fear eye am an episode of twilight zone the one the android shown he listened carefully to all the people of the city and found the wires inside his arm eye have no real early recollection of the dreams eye form they still me they stop me they disconcert me eye have no real early recollection of the life eye lived before the Jesus saved me back in O A. D. at his conception is the early recollection a child is born unto us is given eye have no real early recollection of any love before the ewe she is more then meets the eye at times its all that eye can dew to hold onto the love she sends to me it really is enought no way the sadness can engulf the love eye have no real early recollection of the life before the test of damage came the loss of feeling so important the loss of pride the loss of gain the loss of hopes refrain and yet the one most important thing that keeps me living is the one more thing eye never done it yet the making love of love the culmination of our attitudes the need the love the want too eye only need her kiss to be android


The Great Oily Lake OR how can we let this happen oncet upon our watches.
See the oily smelly sea gulls as they fail to wing away from the brand new mess the chevron people made in just one day the pipeline on the hidden hillside must have been in Mormons way. There is a rupture not a rapture in the pipe he must have been some angry to ruin his escape. Landescaping from the natural into the bloated inky mess reminds me of something less. The young girls all wear glasses into classes at there school. Thin Lizzy is a protestant she always obeys them Golden Rules. Her dada sent her NO NEW FUNDS with a craveat for her to eschew. He said we already sleep in slippers to fund you there in school. My bunions feel for ewe. She wanted just $2oo dollars dada so she could have her own computor from the used book stored. He sent her 20 dollars for the student lieberry card and told her to use the computors there that they already floored. There is no reason to have one when you already have that access number on your 666 card. She just logged in on Net escape and much to horror and surpise the news is filled of sea gulls languishing in oil based waters full of salt. She sent dada one new email said she he needs to go to town and bye some gasoline today anywhere but chevron please dada just boycott them we must teach them just like we did BP. 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Drunks are not Homeless

Drunks are not Homeless
They only pretend to mye throne of Grace.
They take up homeless space.
They beg a big disgrace.
When refused a light for a cigarette they mutter some of them would fight iff they had a helper they can not do any thing of themselves iff they are a ganger they need a man
a man that smokes has a light for that smoke
thats right
want a fight
walk away from me and get a light bulb in your pocket going off
its all the same to me
you are just exactly what they made prison cells for
and judges
almost you made me anger ed
when what you should have said
was sorry just to bother you SIR
instead of what eye think eye heard you say as you were walking in my way away
you burred my ear with your self impotence
out out brief cigarette alas poor ed still needs the light
he is searching in his darkenness
asking and recieving from others of his kind
but why do you demean me
a recently admitted Jesus Freak
intent on sucking air
and living just to write

Saturday, June 12, 2010


the hot air rises in the crowded room no one noticed when the thing began to move until the atmosphere was thinning it was almost too late then to actually give a care about it the room was not spinning like a rocket yet it was moving at a slow rate of speed. the clouds skudded. the thing began to levitate. the pipes of copper and the wires of steal were hanging down the Babylon trailing into the darkening sky it was gaining. the glass windows exploded yet no one was cutt from the sky formed laddering only angles could clime the smartest of the men tied sheets into pillow case they fall. Leaping smartly from that building lines of shooting down. Jesus it is so hard to levitate. The ground moves up the sky falls down the moving in a straight laced. The best way to move is to remain. Still and better to the air. Fold your arms into your sides of foible. Eliminate the drag your feet Superman always held them straight. Slip out into the stream unconsciously power to fly is power to levitate the face the landing now. YOu trim the weight the sail is topped you wait for suddenly to come. Amid the sky you fly but only slowly do you cry. You only weep for wanting love. You levitate.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Vinton Valvecore they winced when they heard his namme they thought it was a made up namme like Smith or Jones. They tried and failed to call him Vince or Vincent. Vinton he said it without a smile of any kind of size. He walked up and down the stone steps pushing his carraige carrying. He worked nearly all summer long anything he thought of that he wanted to save back for the winter he steered away into the ground around the Prestige House. He slept in the open field. Hiding in plain site a real depression in the area at night. He picked cans from the garbage sacked them up one by painful one until the sale would buy a can of beans he took them home to the empty potters field. NO one guessed the place was a secret dump the things lay hidden putrifing he had wrapped wonderful winter clothing inside plastic and plastic sweats in the desert at night it makes mold and mildew on the clothing at night on all the hidden secret things around the Prestige Carraige house. And then one day it happened to arrive. They backed a large truck down into the little lighted valley where he was trying to survive. They pulled up over the area where most of the clothing was buried and they dumped a load of wet cement. He tried a tunnel but there was no time he tried to break the thicknesses with a digging stick he lined the outer edges with loosener to no avail his winter riches now permament the local winoes still talk about Valvecore in hushed tones of concretion they shake the old heads and whisper Vinton.

rules Rules

 rules Rules
Eye was gonna do the old double standard  but its triple now what with inflation down in the mouth and all. There is rules for them and rules for us and a separate and distant rule for the individual. Robots need no rules the security sends them to eat the guard was overheard saying it is time for me to go and get my food. The group has the cafeteria trays and buffets the events constantly flaying out freebes but only to them masses. Some rare distinct individuals still nursing coffee waiting for the late mid afternoon classes. Lunch is not covered in the bill. The Collage bill is steep they sleep but can not afford to eat only supper is supplied by residence only. Them they have they always have they gain the greed they fill the coiffures constantly bombarding they of kind who listen to the constant whine. Rule number one was made for only them. Then there is rule number two. For you. This rule states that whatever appalls to THEM does not relate to YOU have a differant function. YOU are the have nots. The lowlife barristers and numbly peg players. The Doctors and the Indian Chefs and all others et al they soon discover they are not elite on the list. A few of YOU become them. So few of THEM ever stoop to YOU level. Rule number three applys only to the individual. The THEM rule number one applys only to THEM it is so simple. THEM RULE. The US Rule number TWO is harder. YOU do not rule THEM. THEY RULE US. The third rule is really convoluted. You as an individual never rule. They rule over us and they rule over YOU and they rule over the starving leftover. OH. That's also you. Two. And Three. 



support@hostingsupport.comFriday, June 11, 2010 3:55 AMFrom:"Charlax Hice" <>"The database server on is not working. This is the error message received: "Cannot connect to db server Too many connections "

please fix my computor eye need to go to work at my poetryplace
eye dont understand why this is happening to me
and its not a good thing at all

please hurry

eye had come to the University to work early and decided they had finally had enought of a free good thing and blocked me its not an easy feeling to be offline when everything else is working now to the tail of the nuns priest. The rooster crowed a lot the lover loved a lot. Amen. Synopsis of CharlaX this has been The Tale of the Canterburied Hen. Eye found some tea bagged under mye Cupps and Chaucer. AHHA. For Helena of Troy. She had her TroY Boy. lolzzx. CharlaX ABD. The intelligence of men is not often found in the brain case but in the pen. In the hand and in the foot and lower down the staircased.

Thursday, June 10, 2010



New meat. 

Eye doo number two and number one more then number two eye pee and number two less then number one its a given that the day area is now mine. The urinal in the mens room flushes irregularly. Eye go a lot so this means a lot to me. There is graffiti on the inside of the door to the lieberry room where eye sit and pen this missive for ewe. Its not meant to be a quiet place but people still assume the place should be most people expect that in a lieberry. The student teachor thudded her shoes were like iron clicking on the rug is thin the woman must be heavy. They look at me then look away horrifed they thought it was someone but then they finally determine who it is they see. They just cannot handle a man that is not a degenerate. The men they want have on no hair and they have earings in the nose hairs look like nazies areoplaning near the classrooms with tattoes and magazines on busstops naked men with men unseemly they begin now to annoy me looking mostly like them german officers you expected. New meat is neo nazi.


the ones that will wont do it with you the ones that have not done it yet will not go out with you the ones that will do it with you you would not stand to be seen with them the ones that will do it with you would do it with anyone at all you cant do it at a party in front of all those people the girls wont be alone with a rapist but they give it up free in public places they act like whores in stripper clubs and slip in underage and stay like queens of flesh tones. broads do but ladies dont women do but girls wont. Threeyoung collage girls were heard as they slipped away into the night they said this in my hearing lightly spoken one of the girls said she is shacking upp with an old guy. One of the other girls said HOW old is HE ? like it is a possiblilty and they all moved a little faster to the destination. Poor old senior. Eye do not envy him eye only hope he made it to the dawn. Real life sex for homeless is all alone. 


Jud Jude Judy Judicial Judge judgepartmental. LOZXL. When asked to provide a defense for criminal actions deliberated within the department the police are quiet and quick to point out that they are not at fault at all . Here is one of those stories. THEY. They are the ones at fault they are the criminals we have to stop the criminals and to do that we have to act. QUEstor: DO YOU MEANT TO TELL US YOU must act like criminals to stop the criminals. The police have no power to stop criminals our hands are tied. QUEstor: do you handcuff people when you arrest them even iff they are not resisting arrest don't you handcuff them anyway. The police must protect themselves in order to serve the populace. This is the survival of the armed personal personnel. The youth division of the supersonic hedge clipped toe nail trimmer society of them judgepartmentals. You who steal in the hidden things take and understand it was not gatherod up for thee is whom the bell tolls now. The only things that eye can have and use are the things that eye can carry on my person eye am hidden from the thief in this manner he has to rob a person intent on keeping his personal offects. Judy say hello to Dennis for me. Eye will get back to you on this. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


what makes a man a smarty pants. what makes a man a dumbo. what makes one man sick. but they envy the other. what makes one man tick. you can not say that its the physical. or just the mind. the mind does not explain Houdini or charlax. crescendo of inflection brings the words up to the brain. try suffering. you cant dismiss the ravings of this lunatic as garbage. you may have to admit the poor boy can write after all he does move them fingers on them keyboards somehow killing time. heaven and hell hath the two same doors twained. The heaven is a place to be refreshened. The other place is pained. We who choose to do our suffering now will refrain the choice is not my own. Leave hell unto the masochists and gnomes. Eye must painfully disagree with the idea of a Heaven full of suffering weather men or animals and birds there will be reborn. The end of suffering no oiley scaley sick skins there. NO more men. No more lies. You see once saved is always saved again. The Powers in the namme. Not just in the blood like all them singing songs. the bumbling bumblebee defines its creator every time it flies. subtle referances to other poems no extra charge. some people happy with the life they have let snails and bugs proliferate they love to watch them prorecreate in the landscape or garden in the backyard filled with flying squirrels and moths. At tea time today the birds need the knees they knocked the portal clean and clear the internet was offline then it appeared in my briefs onfire the error message simply said there was a toolbar disabled because of the OTHER MACHINE that was in use that eye was hooked too. LOZLX . eye am sure now it must be my girlfriends fax line. She even has a printer also which thing sort of explains things now. Just now eye must have hovered the mouse over the proxy server and turned it offline. Eye lost the internet explorer then gradually everything else went offline too. Thinking it was the signal server eye had started to go for help. But then eye decided to check the server and just restarted this machine. Its working like a slave to modern science once again. CharlaX DUmbOH. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wordly and Wordy

Wordly and Wordy
A Paroday
Bee om blessed behaviour wipe sticking stuff off hand keep mouse finger poised to reprimand cause tidal waves of amber grins break out bubbly drink send monuments over them wireless radio wave the signal at the facebook people they should be used to facebook sheeple. Iff you make your friend angry ask forgiveness is just an inbox away. Eye ask a person send a message to a shared friend was old one once removed this is what she said to eye she said eye do not knoe this person she is just a facebook person so eye dumped her also she is not the sordid person eye was looking for a friendshippe but encountered alien minding store. Most people tend. They tend. Apple come from apple tree no fruit can be free apple come from apple let fruit be fruit let let be let. Live like you want to live baby be the berry chuck the jive let dance let live let smart girls with glasses be the best lessons learned in school classrooms closed for business. Early services leave the latecomers at a loss. Do not be sad Jesus. Feather the bed list to port side lean the lantern to the green is go the rickshaw hurries wheels spinning on the pages of the vista like a turtle snapping at a flowing vein of oil droppings. Shree. Opposite of shree is eerhs. Transliteration from the Hindi it means error messages in cyberspaces in the summer synes. Eye am not a fatt man sitting in the Template of religion holding upp the members with mye begging bowl the coffers full of hope. Eye am a poetical dope. Eye am Worldy and Wordy Bhuddha. 

Monday, June 7, 2010



Religion love science fiction comic book heroes fabels and stories poems and poetry prose attempts at a few stuctured and hued a few very few diamonds a very many flawed stabs at fiction and the truth some of the inevitable more of the what iff a few were only revenge. There was depressions. There was highs. There was the totally lies. Some of them were thick some were well worn and some were absent and void. MOst people do not think of writing poetry as a means of supporting a family. They were already well endowed the poets who were successfully. It is tea time and time for another poem segmented and augmented and fomented. She tilted her head and smiled so pretty but eye lost interest in her pretty quickly she hit the redial on her phone and hurriedly walked away toword home. They all have agendas and you are never one.  Animals like dogs like vermin eye suppose. Anti men iff they are lesbian anti gay iff they are only women. Most of them are just little girl who wont grow upp. Blind to a mans hopes and deafened to his wants. Unable to see the forest for the trees. This line was too easy not to resist this eye loved to make this poem sing. Yes eye only need to worry about Nine to Midnight hours is the homeless witching ones what time is it old witch. Time for charlax to grow upp to become bolder on his tour of needing home. A man come upp and began to speak to me he mistook me for his friend he said YOU old salty dog why are you hanging around this old lieberry again. Eye think iff he had not soon apologized we could have come to blows. Just because eye am not fast on the draw does not make me peculiar at all. Or limited to thinking inside a box. The Devil changes a man into a lie but can never change what his LORD has done to save him. Take a good look now all mye minions. AllmypoetryisAbout.



Its inn the bible show me the chapter and vice versa no way dont eye look like a layed back man. Thats layman. Casting these perils before eating pork grinds against my teeth. What version of the bible are ewe inn. Big Grin. King James was a lame king of queens. He once showed a pretense. Eye once saw a moving picture show where the Sorcerer walked into a battle and left after all the men were killed he was the  only one to survive. Eye need his tailor, Andy. The United Nations is in place the United One World Government when they send out troops from other countries they wear that United Nations Uniform now. With the patches on the sleeves with the circles and arrows explaining. What country you are from America. Its usually the Flag patched there. But you are no longer a green machine your helmut is now blue. YOu have left the sanctions of the Country road and gone into the twilight zones. When you fall in battle perhaps they might send you to ROME. But iff you win your fight you will never be completely at home in Baltimore again. This Country as a Military Power is at end. You who nod the head at others in the field are friends the JEWS wear Mufti as a leader in the Army but they frown down as you do at people who wear civilian clothing in the field the enemy is US. AWOL the boys sold the uniforms for drinking money they drank Vanilla Extract and Listerine in the barracks while OBAMA gets wasted on Turnpiketimelime Juice in Washingtown at nite. Eye have written this poem once before now in other words. Perhaps this made a sore spot on my LengthofDays.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


she is not to know the sadness that swells up inside the eye when missing her eye get a feeling of indentured service in the laving slaving love that eye have freely given to her its not a terrible thing to die to life and only keep the love she is not to know the love the highs the lows eye keep her on my pedestal upon an even keel she finds the love inside she is not to know no matter what she thinks of love so far from her it seems to be the missing her the part of me once human cares to feel again the scars are torn and gone she is not to know how much the high eye get excited by her love she is not to know how much eye feel like GOD inside when she tells me of her love she is not to know how much eye care how much eye love her there where she is loving me inside her heart its stays somewhere she is not to know there is no way to tell her just what she has done to me today the love so filling the love is better then the want

King Goliath

King Goliath
god in lower case letters is 666 is money is not the power the power is not the answer or Goliath would rule the world. For GOD in his Glory is still Jesus beaten pup. Many times eye have given up the road is not plowed the plow is bent the seed is not planted yet eye move and keep my power hid.  Eye shake my weavers beam at davidic priests and walk among the living leaving only husky pods in my awakeing. Perhaps Faith is under rated we need much more of it to avoid the stress of life is testing. King Goliath stomped the little shepherd boy and walked into Jerusalem his steps quakeing the walls. What goods a Giant among thorns. What does a Giant have in common with the Jews. He saw Bathsheba once inside the baths and only looked away. The people in the street just scurried this way and that way whenever he came around waving his weavers beam no smile ever upon his face so whats the differance. It seems its better to keep the Devil you know. The Jewish Temple would not be built at all iff left up to either King David Or the Giant Weaver. To make a longer story shorter now. King Goliath ate a bad cookie and got AIDS for all his troubles a King of Jerusalem is given spades he had no money while inn office he terminated his inheritance and gave back Gaza. Perhaps his Earth friendly plan will help us fix the problems that we face it was found inside a cave near Ventura the Deep Sea Scroll was dated. This is what it says. When you need to fill the oceans into lands take the Desert sands and drop them from the Aeroplanes into the Ocean Depths. Even up the low places make the mountains lower then the planes. Raise the valley of the oceans into the sky of heavens. Make the coinage smaller in the hand make the bread prices rise like yeast up to the skies of houses and villages full of poor people no longer able to have homes fill the streets with no where to call home they fill the alleyways and doors. Airlift a Giants Stone to Rome and prepare me a Throne for it is almost time for GOD to come. Iff eye could bring fire down from the Heaven mabe eye would be the one.

King Goliath

King Goliath
god in lower case letters is 666 is money is not the power the power is not the answer or Goliath would rule the world. For GOD in his Glory is still Jesus beaten pup. Many times eye have given up the road is not plowed the plow is bent the seed is not planted yet eye move and keep my power hid.  Eye shake my weavers beam at davidic priests and walk among the living leaving only husky pods in my awakeing. Perhaps Faith is under rated we need much more of it to avoid the stress of life is testing. King Goliath stomped the little shepherd boy and walked into Jerusalem his steps quakeing the walls. What goods a Giant among thorns. What does a Giant have in common with the Jews. He saw Bathsheba once inside the baths and only looked away. The people in the street just scurried this way and that way whenever he came around waving his weavers beam no smile ever upon his face so whats the differance. It seems its better to keep the Devil you know. The Jewish Temple would not be built at all iff left up to either King David Or the Giant Weaver. To make a longer story shorter now. King Goliath ate a bad cookie and got AIDS for all his troubles a King of Jerusalem is given spades he had no money while inn office he terminated his inheritance and gave back Gaza. Perhaps his Earth friendly plan will help us fix the problems that we face it was found inside a cave near Ventura the Deep Sea Scroll was dated. This is what it says. When you need to fill the oceans into lands take the Desert sands and drop them from the Aeroplanes into the Ocean Depths. Even up the low places make the mountains lower then the planes. Raise the valley of the oceans into the sky of heavens. Make the coinage smaller in the hand make the bread prices rise like yeast up to the skies of houses and villages full of poor people no longer able to have homes fill the streets with no where to call home they fill the alleyways and doors. Airlift a Giants Stone to Rome and prepare me a Throne for it is almost time for GOD to come. Iff eye could bring fire down from the Heaven mabe eye would be the one.


Doth not think that charlax can not snitch thee out to cops
Robbers rule the barrio not the gangers mouth at me when drunk
Take all your prejudice to jail where it wont matter much to us
Who rules the street is snitch he rules the starting block

Robbers rule the barrio not the gangers mouth at me when drunk
He carries on while gangers being fed and dressed in white
Who rules the street is snitch he rules the starting block
Pretending to be bad but just mostly sitting back

He carries on while gangers being fed and dressed in white
Linen nappy is just paper mack it up and flip them off in hope
Pretending to be bad but just mostly sitting back
Bending over in the shower let him pick up stall the soap

Linen nappy is just paper mack it up and flip them off in hope
Yes sir no sir all day long sir let me eat now sir and garble
Bending over in the shower let him pick up stall the soap
What you get is what you said to me stay out and marvel

Learn to trade the fruit for meat and ask for all the eggs
Take all your prejudice to jail where it wont matter much to us
do you see the sunshine willey out the window now babe
Doth not think that charlax can not snitch thee out to cops

Learn to trade the fruit for meat and ask for all the eggs


Doth not think that charlax can not snitch thee out to cops
Robbers rule the barrio not the gangers mouth at me when drunk
Take all your prejudice to jail where it wont matter much to us
Who rules the street is snitch he rules the starting block

Robbers rule the barrio not the gangers mouth at me when drunk
He carries on while gangers being fed and dressed in white
Who rules the street is snitch he rules the starting block
Pretending to be bad but just mostly sitting back

He carries on while gangers being fed and dressed in white
Linen nappy is just paper mack it up and flip them off in hope
Pretending to be bad but just mostly sitting back
Bending over in the shower let him pick up stall the soap

Linen nappy is just paper mack it up and flip them off in hope
Yes sir no sir all day long sir let me eat now sir and garble
Bending over in the shower let him pick up stall the soap
What you get is what you said to me stay out and marvel

Learn to trade the fruit for meat and ask for all the eggs
Take all your prejudice to jail where it wont matter much to us
do you see the sunshine willey out the window now babe
Doth not think that charlax can not snitch thee out to cops

Learn to trade the fruit for meat and ask for all the eggs

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Dont you hate contrived events as much as eye do. When everything is set up days ago or even yesterday of old they putt them tables upp and look around for want of anything better. Yes they say this will work and then the people get to this event and they dont even visit the room across the limited access floor is closed and roped off. All the work those people did all day the yesterday for nought. The trash did not even get used. They rushed to get the plastix bags in place they dumped most every trace of yesterday. The people leave a few at a time you can tell they only came to eat the free catered affair they calmly wave and say good bye on the way around the podium back to the street access door to leave. On the way to another symposium where they can eat. The speaker came but did not speak his mind he left with a phone charger in his hand was a pink ladies slipper. NON. Eye am only drinking lemonade. Eye write down only what eye really see he was so gay up those steps looking for his Cinderfeller there. Wait. Eye suppose that was his phone. They make them all sizes and shapes and colors now for gays. Event day now over they come out two and three and even a group of over the hill people going home from the event is almost over. Dont text me from your shoe horn. This poem almost done eye simply imagine how he slips the plate aside the bottom of the heel to plug the charger in like Don Knots on that old tv serial commercial. Get Smart.


A lonesome singer of songs.
A lonesome singer of the songs sung. 
A lonesome Lothario sings the blue songs sung. A BYTE redone. The lonesome blue Lothario sings the songs sung blue. EYE begin to see. A Patteran. The long lonesome blue Lothario sings the silvery songs sung blue. The silver tongued devil sings the lonesome Lothario blues. The blue silver singer sang the songs Lothario longer lonesomely. The blues singer made silver Lothario devil tongue songs. Singing with his tongue of silver the Blues Lothario sang them sad lonesome blues songs. SLinging his silver tongue all over them blues songs the Blue Lothario sang all them sad silver songs. Better. Slinging his hashmark tongue all over them Blue songs the Lothario sang sad silver songs. ALMOST. Slinging his hash eating tongue all over them Silver Songs the Lothario sang all them sad Blues songs. This has been a Silver and Blue excercise for ewe. Call it a DEMO. 



A man at the hotel desk man said WE are full up there is no room at this Inn. The man said What and Iff the President came inn would you make an exception for HIM ? Of Course said the desk man we would give him our best room. Then eye have some bad news for you the man said. He is not coming here. Please give me the room you have prepared for HIM. Ahha. Mundane.  Last night was so rewarding to the eye was the only one in my temporary bed. The couch where the drunks sleep was deserted. Eye slept finally like a proverbiage. Latent homosexuals rule the midnight nighttime. Eye too took too long to lathe the dreaded dream it came. Wen i went. COndensedintothesopthebloodofanglesrolled. CharlaX has no split infinitives uncovered or covered over perchance to sleep is perchance to dream is perchance to add another poem to the listing. EYe am no Queen. Eye am only eye in the mainstream swimming for the shore laden down with oily scaley backslides. Couch potated you may be. Unable to do much more. An aristocratic acrobatic theme attic hiding it from mom non she is not home so you are hiding it from YOU are a sensitive slob. SO mundane that you are cool. Minion Twenty Nine has seen reflection makes this poem worth the spool. Spiel it out as Mundane as ever. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

TheLostCityoftheIncan Presbetyrian

TheLostCityoftheIncan Presbyterian
The guide was half dead no food no water for several days he neared the church and heard the piano tinkling the keys were all off white. The Priest looked like a bearded bum but he was nice inside. The guide keeled over and the Priest hauled out a bucket of water to revive him just like they used to do on all them movies to wake up a drunk. Sputtering and starving he cried out. And the Priest took him into the sanctuary to leave him only long enought to find the dinner he had just left out for him to thaw it was a long burritoe still partially frozen he had wrapped it in a honey glazed donut case to keep it from making a mess and he handed  it now to the poor blind guide and he ate it frozen bites and all gone. When the man could move around a little the Priest was gay in secret he desired this guide and tried to make him understand. BLUNTLY. You are a morphodite. The Guide shook in horror. NO. He shouted up at this big tall Presbyterian Priest. MEN do not play piano. The Priest got an evil glint in his eye at this slight little blind leader of the tribe. Thats when the band started playing Mel Brooks came out on stage to tell his drinking jokes and right then this Presbyterian nightmare ended was when CharlaX just woke up.


Eye never repeat a title to a poem without the added designation such as blankpoem two. Or appendages. Eye may eventual add this DissJointedFridayTwo see. BUt is a long long way away senoritae. The gold fleece is just the silverlining the blue sky above the black city outline the shadow not the movement of the eye on Friday. One step ahead of the undertaker the limited stasis field around my invisible spacesaucer and plated crafting. Something someone said is musing me. The flowing lines of freedom flowed flowering fleeing into the forest where is rain. On the pain of discovering the almost painful state of the world is in. Eye left mye heart in Colorado may she always find her food AMEN. To be at eased out into the streets again. A young man intent on making his lifetime of gain he does it ARMY way. He wants to get rich quick by digging that ditch and mowing down the enemy. Eye spent several days in the middle of nowhere just regretting the unfairness of the thieves when they take it all away. Without firing one shot so they dont even get in trouble with the MAN. When eye tried to hold on to my property they insisted they were armed men. That changes everything. Again. At that point you have to back off and sit down and insist that they load it all up and go ahead and take it all with you gentlemen. After all we was said and done we were only a Peace Time Army of one. The best way to enjoy the life of Riley is to actually be Riley. Unless you discover yourself in time to be a concierge objecting at persons while parking cars. There is a verse in the Bible that just came to mind. Brothers who are not really brothers in other words wolves in wool clothing. Gentile Reader you dont have to understand my poetry to read this missive to the minions but it helps to understand the poet.



Jesus Fished

1Can eye go fish q.

2NOT in the City the County Line or The State or Federal lands at all. a.


4Cause they have made it against the law with all sorts of one day permits required and you got to have that fishing pole a.

5When will be free Americans again q.

6 Not in this lifetimeline. a.

7Cannot walk on water and fish at same time s.

8this looks like a rainbow trout s.

9Shaped poetry is funn s.

directional table
q. question
a. answer
s. statement
Jesus Fished


INdirectly every idea ey ehave every nuance and shadow of the mind every thought and title and spillage over into the convectionors oven comes from the Good Lord Above. This poem is about the poem not about HIM and yet eye had to preamble JEsus in this. Poem. This is gonna be my best definition. POem. A rhyming or not rhymeing phrased or not worded or not with any words at all just a half baked idea from the buns once in the ovens of life is a poem. A poem is prose short or long with no words at all misspellings and typoes instilled. A poem is this a kiss and just a sigh a lady reading this a lifetime of love. One thing that a poem is never to eye. Inside the box. A certain number of lines a form to be filled out adhered to like glue foam. The poem is not the only problem is the poets who think inside the box they will not last long. You have to think quick like a bronze fox tail and jump into the mainstream is looking for real poetry not junk with misspelled wording. Poemjingleingeyetus is what this poet has a disease of the minding my own businesses at hand. Iff suddenly you met Jesus in your Crisis making poem what would you think he might say about your poem making capabilities today. Perhaps he might just shake his Hoary Head and walk away or he might laught at most the words the poem says. Eye want to think he might take the credits scrolling say. Created this by Jesus power. Yeah. Yay. Yay. 

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ionized Publishers

Ionized Publishers
A Paroday of a Truth
This is usually what happens for real behind them corporations door. The Meeting for the 23 of May the minutes have been recorded its a matter of record. Lets listen in as this meeting does begin. Opening statements. Boring subjects again. Ad men showing and telling. Graphs and pie charts until. Noon came and went. Lunchtime over. Ionized Publishers President JOhn Narrow called the meeting back to order. We have one business. Everyone began to snickers. The chair recognizes Tommy Jacksonian from Boston, Mass. He stood up fast. He began to apologize in a too lengthy apology of life. To business. The entire group said TO Business in a bizarre echo of the Narrow one. JOhn said again to the Jacksonian make it shorter of a presentation so we can out of here to eat. Early he began to say on in his career CharlaX learned to poet and he makes his poems clear. Prose as poetry was unheard of until 2004. We feel this person should be published his entire works free gratis into a book to be called CharlaX and listed in the Lieberry Catalogues of all the Lieberries in all the World. There was utter and complete silence and then the President John Narrows began to slowly speak. WE are a paid for profit oriented company. We do nothing whatsoever that we do for charity. This person is a homeless person when he dies his poetry will die with him it will be buried with him let him take his poetry into the grave with him let him keep his poetry forever unwritten in our books to be published online or offline in the lieberry or not for only our profits full up will ever make us want to publish anyones poetry for free. There was complete silence. Then EVERYONE said this all at the same time. For MONEY is GOD AMEN and then the meeting adjourned and everyone went out to eat. Like they do every corporate profit filled day. 


The Dailey grind is rendering. A measured silence is better then a constant noise. Layers of clothing in the summer time are blue jeans and unders and overs unders will you never learn. Sweat makes salty lines. The whitest you can see. Seals the salt into the clothing washing in a machine will not remove the lines from salty clothing washed. A palindome eye believed. Let them eat the cake of salty sweat eye leave behind the mess will blame on them. Yu who give in to the desires of this world and live for cheap thrills will not use overkill as salted loggings formed. Eye am spending money. NOUN. EYe am only dollars billed. A price eye pay for living freedom overkilled. Eye am spending money. VERB. It left my hand. Eye eat the food of molded breaded yeasted lambs. Salty meat to someday stain my clothing. There has to be a sane and honest answer to this question we are having about the limits of this civilization.


A Ewe love poem
Eye finally found Becky in her underwater cavearn. The Indian had fallen. He was swimming away down the Rio Grande doing the upper back stroking. The grave open upp had scared me they took the cadavers ring from his nose. No pain eye was assured a front row. Seated cross legged near the entranced. Eye waited for romance. She was beautiful. Her fins were longer then my arm but when she reverted to the human form her arms carressed my sigh. She wrapped me and she took me and eye began to die exquisitely for sex within a mermaids arm is death to a human breathing air is gone the heart last longest then it stops. Forever in her love is where eye want to stay. We will both be happy this way. Eye sent Huck upp topside for some air. We lit the candle from both ends to see the night despair. Eye could not stop kissing her they rocked the entrance from the top was gone no way out so what who wants to ever leave his love is life and warmth is in the heart not hearth the addition of our family to the Oceans floor will someday save the Earth. Eye never saw those Elgin Marbled things but someday hope to kiss my mermaid marvel here her sing out all her love for only this one seven android found his love a childlike undertaking like Tom and Becky in the cave was once above.


First in your line of defense to help you recover from an illness or glitch the only time you need them dearly miss them they are there perhaps in the background unable to be the first in line but these are the friends made out of solid gold you love and want to keep them all and one
 Remember them try harder to remember them the ones that got away are not the enemy they stay somewhere in the background they cant play they will not say they seem so distant now away they were your friends for only that one day
Incredible they stay when you knoe just how you are inside a person not worthy of the spit they form the idea of being friends with them annoys the crab inside
Everyone is friends of friends they do not knoe you personally they use and they manipulate the friendshippe that you can relate you visualize a picture of that person and you do not hate
Never in the annals of the history book is friends found near the carcases of them who love them dear dear friends
Destructive force way down deep inside the parimeters of love the corners of your forgotten love a friend can cause the bitterest pain of all

Surface to the lips the words rise up unbidden the love spills forth a given truth so tell them all just now how much eye love them friends while living

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Megantronic Dolls are not yet available in Blues
a 666 poetry prose poem 
  Charles Robert Hice
eye have seen the beginning of teh end of mankind the mark of the beast is the eye dent eye fie cay shun card. 666 and people are turning slowly into cyborgs carrying computor parts to integrate and plugg into the free lieberry system they bring keyboards and mouses so they can access the illegal websites only they have to be students or have a student identification card #cxfb this is too long for twitter to *anyway24 minutes ago clear
*a glitch on facebook
  *Status Too Long
Your status update is too long. The maximum status length is 420 characters, but it is 424 characters long.
31 minutes ago
 * had to delete send to make this fit eye love this glitch
 the tour person said you MUST have the NEW MEXICO ID UNIVERSITY CARD to access the computors here in the lieberry is where they are they said to the students please dont disappear and try to go into one of these rooms ( a glitch) you see they can they can swipe an enter them (eye love this) they said you just dont want to get caught doing that ??? like its a threat that keeps them honest most places just key them doors to EMPLOYEES only and the change machine is broken at the printer so they are giving away free copies mabe just until the SOUR DOO BREAD BOYS (the Brinks Truck men) they come inside this place to collect the money homey honey is the reason we are here. Eye have a get out of jail free card its still from Arizona. Eye had to look just now to see iff they had upgraded it to New Mexico. Cause anything is now possible. Eye want a new toy a Minion doll that changes into anyone of ewe eye want to play with at any old one time. WAIT. Someone is coming now. Its a glitch. Eye can bet you they have TheNumberofhisNamme.