Monday, June 28, 2010




To my wife eye leave. AHHA. The last Testament of Will.

March only non no

January a mistaken


Drafted and Edited bye CharlaX the Bard

Appended this June 28, 2010

The wife has gotten the sons we made thrice we wedded into bliss in the nighte mayhaps the lady will be kind to often meaty men. Five pounds of black licorice apiece. Yearly this seems so sordid to the moste of yew and yet twas a lot of work to make this poem upp and yet the limits of a finite minde in tyme of olden englais bolde The boys nammed Hearte the sayde Elizebethian Hall nee Hearte. Mye own dear hearts the Judyth and the sonne. Having Departed unto Jesus Christe from the Stratford on Avon unto OXford by the way of Train we had the boxcar over full upp the pullman and the limp lampshaded. OH Susanna please dont you cry for me bequeathed unto Susanna Hall a dripping panned for catching greased offerings. And to her husband John the Jesus Crisus eye bequeathe my snuff the last partacking bowle and lacey handkerchief. So many othere deserving relitives fourth fifth sixth and seventh sones to mustard more eye never thought of this before there will be great great grandsons left there in the Burrows near the Avon. They never let me copy my own plays and so they pass from me to the company docent docket you can get them now at any ticket office on Broadaway Street in NYC and in Londone. See me at the NEW Globe theatre perhaps in Glasglow they still speake of eye the Shakespeare fellowe. In the winter it is nice to be off the street and deep inside a chosen seat. The Romeo and Juliet will heat the heartes of Englishmen and men pretend to swagger out the dooraway to love. Gretchen from the kitchen gets the marshmallow treats she loves to kiss in secret and to eat. A tryst kit a basket a green and yellow task kit. The scarf she wore the ribbon that she left behind the tree. For poor William never making sonnets evermore. The Train is leaving now to OXford ---------- ALL ABOARD.

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