The Crime was only on paper. They call it embezlemeant. Iff the old west is wild then why try to live that way now iff billy bob bad is the only way to be on the street then no one can walk but little billy bob bad thats me. President Whirly was mad. NO one including Donald Plence the treasurer was ever remembering him this way. He was positivley turning green. The computor lay near his foot crushed into several thousand small pieces each one beeping on and off like some bizarre New York siren. He said GET ME the head of Development Department. Plence called in Doctor Hice from MIT. He said OLD MAN what is your problem. WHirly smirked and smiled an aweful thing to see so early in my day. He said we want a new internet. Is that all ? said eye. Eye can do lots of things Whirly but that may be impossible. It will take some research and some time. PublicINternetBroadcastingCompany or PIB is now available for most City and Cultural Gardens. a free company service from a Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company. It is on your wireless button now like any other unsecured provider. All this good Doctor had to do was find the existing signals how they work then tweak a new one and set it up to broadcast on a wireless cabablity for everyone to access no matter home owner or laptop or hand held computor. This signal no longer works in Iceland. Sorry. The World Bank refused to sanction some parts of Peru. Eye think the third world countries are all covered and that means the poorest people among us in this WHOLE WIDE WEB can access the facebook. Add me as a friend iff you love Jesus. PaperBank. Doctor (bad billy boy bob) Hice. Persident of a division of Buy all our services but access your computor now for free. It works for me and eye am the head of developmeant. Sorry cell phones not included. You can blame AT$T for copywrite infringemeant.
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