Thursday, June 10, 2010


the ones that will wont do it with you the ones that have not done it yet will not go out with you the ones that will do it with you you would not stand to be seen with them the ones that will do it with you would do it with anyone at all you cant do it at a party in front of all those people the girls wont be alone with a rapist but they give it up free in public places they act like whores in stripper clubs and slip in underage and stay like queens of flesh tones. broads do but ladies dont women do but girls wont. Threeyoung collage girls were heard as they slipped away into the night they said this in my hearing lightly spoken one of the girls said she is shacking upp with an old guy. One of the other girls said HOW old is HE ? like it is a possiblilty and they all moved a little faster to the destination. Poor old senior. Eye do not envy him eye only hope he made it to the dawn. Real life sex for homeless is all alone. 

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