A Ewe love poem
Eye finally found Becky in her underwater cavearn. The Indian had fallen. He was swimming away down the Rio Grande doing the upper back stroking. The grave open upp had scared me they took the cadavers ring from his nose. No pain eye was assured a front row. Seated cross legged near the entranced. Eye waited for romance. She was beautiful. Her fins were longer then my arm but when she reverted to the human form her arms carressed my sigh. She wrapped me and she took me and eye began to die exquisitely for sex within a mermaids arm is death to a human breathing air is gone the heart last longest then it stops. Forever in her love is where eye want to stay. We will both be happy this way. Eye sent Huck upp topside for some air. We lit the candle from both ends to see the night despair. Eye could not stop kissing her they rocked the entrance from the top was gone no way out so what who wants to ever leave his love is life and warmth is in the heart not hearth the addition of our family to the Oceans floor will someday save the Earth. Eye never saw those Elgin Marbled things but someday hope to kiss my mermaid marvel here her sing out all her love for only this one seven android found his love a childlike undertaking like Tom and Becky in the cave was once above.
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