Saturday, June 12, 2010


the hot air rises in the crowded room no one noticed when the thing began to move until the atmosphere was thinning it was almost too late then to actually give a care about it the room was not spinning like a rocket yet it was moving at a slow rate of speed. the clouds skudded. the thing began to levitate. the pipes of copper and the wires of steal were hanging down the Babylon trailing into the darkening sky it was gaining. the glass windows exploded yet no one was cutt from the sky formed laddering only angles could clime the smartest of the men tied sheets into pillow case they fall. Leaping smartly from that building lines of shooting down. Jesus it is so hard to levitate. The ground moves up the sky falls down the moving in a straight laced. The best way to move is to remain. Still and better to the air. Fold your arms into your sides of foible. Eliminate the drag your feet Superman always held them straight. Slip out into the stream unconsciously power to fly is power to levitate the face the landing now. YOu trim the weight the sail is topped you wait for suddenly to come. Amid the sky you fly but only slowly do you cry. You only weep for wanting love. You levitate.

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