Tuesday, June 1, 2010


  1. LesPoem
  2. Les table taught was wrong the blue rhyme when young the blue rhyme with you not found. The itinerant poet struggleing 
to understand asking all the girls why do you love them poems why does it make you love them men. The poor boy in his grief attempting time to love and changing words of songs and poems found. The dastardly noun the ever changing verb and that predicated adjective mostly never found. When walking in the dusty wayside no poem ever found. Roses are red. THEY always said this aside the corners of the mouth. Violets are blue. YOu cringed and doubled over acting like a puke. Candy is sweet at this you laughed out loud. And so are you. Then you realized at the too late a moment what it was a poem. Poetry is for GIRLS. And then you kept on walking. Away. All alone no poem ever found. Les Miserable. Les poet of Les poem never found.

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