Tuesday, January 13, 2009




Did you see the man try to get his cat downed from the tree he shaked
it. Babble: NO that’s a meant thing to do to a poor cat eye
will go and shaked on him now. Able: NO he shaked the tree. Babble:
There is no such word as shaked. Able: yes there is you open word and
then you save the word as is to the dictionary. Babble: You are a
creator shaking words. Able: and eye can take an existing word and
make a new definition and even use it in a syntax sentence with prose
poetry in the back of mye minded. Babble: lead on oh ah muse.
Ed.note: Today’s word children and ewe is Coaxial.
A man made attempt
at cloning nano technology by the use of wires filtering electricity.
Def2: Granna nano bots. Old people rewired to function again in
society just take them to the table at the worked place and plug them
inn. The lineman was sweeping when he got a great idea he attacked
the work bench he attached a cardboard leveler a catcher of the trash
leaving the table and placed a trashed can under it to catch the
leavings from the workers. He immediately got canned. The old woman
on the nano bot line showed the sweeper her hand it was swollen on
the thumb from gluing wires he felt so sorry for the lady he went to
the boss and asked him to fire her also so she could go home and take
care of nano thumb. He gave her the day off WITH PAY and said just
come back tomorrow when thumb can do the work again nano nano. But
the sweeper will look in vain for a new job they do not hire
inventers where he’s from. Perhaps he is a parking lot
attendant at the club stealing the better cigarettes from the ash
trays of the better limousines and other cars. Perhaps he will make a
new way to park a car he runs the stripes sideways on the parking lot
to make more room he can park 15 more cars. The nano downsize of this
idea is obvious the manager of club victorious the man is on the
street again looking for another inventing job. No one could get the
escargot. Perhaps he is a fisherman upon a scowl the boat is listing
from the prow all the fish have shifted to the front he wanted to
make more room to fill it up his inventing days now number only one.
He is deep sixed into the Davy Jones locker he is down there looking
for another Coaxial. Able: nano nano. Babble: And so it ends as a
prose poem congratulations unto yew. Ed.Note.Ed. And so another
CharlaX poem story not a fable not a title or a theme comes to a
special end not in Harpers magazine but perhaps only in ewe dreams.

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