job was not hard at the company they were expanding the business eye
could have worked several more decades with them but eye got busted
using the computer at work for reading poetry. Who who would have
guessed that the POET would look up my IP address. And then email the
company. Eye am sorry that eye did not like his poems more only the
first one that eye read was even anything like almost a poem the
second one made me cry and the third made me throw up in the wastecan
at mye side. My namme is not important but ewe may call me LL. This
is the story of mye downfall. Eye was not even on break just smurfing
the c’s on the page and playing with the search engine we have
a vast array of satellites eye was looking for a fight in China when
eye got CharlaX and decided to read his poems. This company was
founded in 1998 when CEO A A.C and a core team of executives
recognized that existing telecommunications providers were failing to
respect the most important factor governing the long-term success of
any business - first-rate customer service. Our offices were so neat
and now eye just look at them from central park where eye have to
sleep. We had real naugahide chairs and even couches in the break
rooms. Now the cheap wine that eye drink gives me headaches. And the
food is mostly veggies. Do not even go there please. Eye lost mye
door key to mye apartment the flies are dangerous even in the winter
time. That poor poet how was he to knoe that when he emailed the
company logo they caught me red handed with the mouse pointed at the
Chinese fight page. CharlaX the poet where ever you aer just please
forgive me.
TO the people at this company you may knoe who you aer please forgive
LL and do not fire him. Or her. Or them. The poems mentioned were
three of mye best ones like unto this one. CharlaX@Poetrypoem.com.
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