Wednesday, November 18, 2009



The number of students times the number of users times the actuall need plus the minuses allowed to make it even out. Take the total number of enrolled. START with that number before you add the minuses. SUbtract only when absolute. Keep at least half the starting numbers at all times. Make new buildings to house the computors call it Art One Art Two who uses them Poets writers Public Users. Create the need for the computors to actually work. Add Download capabilites. Add Active X for pictures. Add a BOx that says simply HELP. WHen we go there help us. NUmbering the people will not help unless you want to actually make ONE available for ONE. YOu cannot make a room with only twenty five computors for 564,766 total enrollment. 232,433 totall computors 121,222 in each building make lots of ells and floors with walking ramps and scores of bathrooms it gets cold. Remove Three of them for the few nerds that will not use them. That leaves room for MORE Public users. Additionally.

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