Thursday, December 3, 2009



Christmas is not an option now I am enrolled at Fort Lewis Collage as a Homeless student they want to mince the words but the bottom line is money honey. I cannot afford the housing the books the classes i have no plastic Jesus to credit card the needed cafeteria to eat the molasses that they feed us the door is always open only when its time has come today. THe INstructor met me at the door WHAT do you do for Christmas She said. NOTHING said I am homeless i dew not dew a Christmas time. Why do you wear so many clothes three hats and gloves whats up with that the smell must be in there from all of that sweat down there oh god i cant stand that. And you think that Santa Clause is not the real GOD and MOney you simply have to spend money to live. Its 666. We do not have the Curriculum to teach a poet here no there is no money in this world for dreams and real happiness we want Death and Destruction as a ruling force of courses made for Devils who can pay. MOney is the bane of every free man a poet is a nonexistant person like a homeless they even live in tents and some of them on houses but they wont make it in this world for very much longer for the lower case god will soon come and deliver us from thinkers from lovers and from scumbag writers a real writer is a DOctor a Lawyer or an INdian Chief with a Casino and lots and lots of money. They have three car Garages with the Limosine as the prefrence to MOtor all over Heck and Half of Georgia. WHy do you think that Samuel Clemens was not a REAL version of Tom Sawyer. When he got on that Riverboat Ramp it was as a paying customer not a RIver Rat Tramp on a steamer trunk carrying a bale of negro hay. Those Cigars he wore were not inexpansive they must cost more today a Trademark for a poet who quits smoking is not a real man anyway. No drinking either why what can you possibly write about religion sex and music ? and Love. MOney is the homeless bane. We who have it cant seem to get enought. Soon you who dont use it eat it up will just cease to be existant the memory of you who live as free will fade away. MOneyBane.

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