Friday, December 4, 2009



The White GOld Wielder awakened in Heaven amidst all the Splendor a leper no more. A fighter no more. As saved. LORD, he cried out in his best hero voice. How came eye hear ? As far as eye knoe eye was a hero in Another World. White Gold Weilder is a well-written fantasy novel that contains the key features needed to write a fantasy novel. Plot, characters, setting and the use of supernatural and unreal features such as the magic in Thomas Covenant's white gold ring and the evil Banefire. This book is brilliant in the way it enchants it's audiences by drawing them into a world where anything is possible. All in all White Gold Weilder is a brilliantly compiled fantasy novel for all ages. The Lord said DEEDS are accounted with me it is how MOSES is in Heaven for he died BEFORE eye the LORD was Crucified. Many young CHildren old middle aged Anchient Poor People are saved in there Blindness in there ignorant innocence. The rest of you need to say JESUS. CharlaX the poet did say it, too. He is the good seed that fell on Productive ground and brought forth SOULS for the Harvest of GOD. Besides all that, YOU were the UNbeliever. At this THomas fell silent. Then he began to feel better. JESUS went some further. YOU SirThomasCOvenant recieve this Crown because you fought with POWER against your evil Banefire and because your Lord Foul Bane is much like my Satan, A devil he was two. SirThomasCovenant.

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