Friday, March 26, 2010


Penned inon written thus crowned victorius within without
Salinity with pepperage anon they come with leverage
Pentgramediae plod pentultimate honors fade weave in left out
SonneyBoy lost SonneyBoy found with averages
 Replacemeant part repairing line they come within without
Modern days in modern times they shout victory victorium 
Repair the footman replace the line the starting with then out
Modern Milly Mayhem Monday day got lost in time constallmeant
Dial the radio tune the Beck says enemy is us
Beck says enemy is US tune the radio dial
Diatribe the man is insolent
Between the lines is he the Demo Cratic Re Publican of Radio Pair of Dice is lost. Paroday is found. Too many lines to be a sonnet now.

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