Saturday, March 27, 2010


A Facebook poem
Some people refuse to like items because its becoming too harder the button sticks and sometimes eye have to refresh the page and do it again. There is that etiquette delicate question do we like someones shared items. Or do we like that person. Eye like to like the item even iff eye never read it iff its a friend iff its a post on my news item wall or even on my profile page. Sorry, this content is not currently available. Eye like to like eye have done this before eye recognize this now in a note left on the floor near the candle left there burning in mye mind. Anear the light sometimes forgotten to turn off in haste departure in the middle of mye mourning comes the light from sun its lighteneing the sky will bring the time to go. For we all look into this glass darkly the reflection is just someone we may knoe. The intire processes takes too long the home page opens but to go there from the home page to the profile alamost impossible now.
old like button poem
eye found this on charlax original website we miss him android one
combining like elements now wishing charlax a speedy recovery charlax seven
 this is actually FacebookLikePeople its on charlax7 website this is charlax three.
and we Qoote him thusly : When the lieberrian saw me on the computor she groaned and said oh no. We like to like button I hit the like button on nearly every posting my friend says she feels bad so I hit the like button. Someone else says disaster struck them in the night last nite so I hit like. If someone can't be liked by like button over a time they can get deleted but I am lenient with friends of longer standing there. A friend will say to one another person, I am going to SLEEP now, you, Goodnite, and so I view this te-te-tete I hit like, I like to like button everything my Facebook people do. I like to like.


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