Wednesday, March 17, 2010




Entry number : inududeantiated


(Hope springs eternity is inn another place heaven is above the earth below the fruited plane is full of greene beere todaye.)please ognore this short entree eye was trying to begin a poem. ed,note,ed. inududeantiated is the entry.
inududeantiated this word must be a category.
this word must be a noun a descriptive noun describing an event special to a holiday special to the internet (this period is missing)
!st syllablle
(inside as in a place of time)
two syllables meaning the author repeated hisself due to keyboard error
 eye am breaking this here ici so you wont see ANT written here this word is very descriptive of a process of large buffons sitting on the couch potatoed out
tia nisheeaa    say it this way nisheeaa can you do it minions
7 this is finally the last syllablle (thankzx GOD) we are almost finished now ed.note.ed
ted is the ending of this word
not the mans namme
that means many more people allowed to mess up the internet because it is a holiday and they are all home getting tummy wet
there appears to be seven syllables in this worded and yet when eye pronounce it none of them is missing yes this is the ending.

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