Monday, March 15, 2010



because eye aint got 400 of your earthling years to write lengthy novels of fright You will never understand this poetic INfunction iff you are coming from an educated guess. Lengthy tomes belong to Doctores with that syndrome clock sitting in the den ticktock four fingers of smooth malt elbow bent pinky extended out at that impossible europeon angle making strang sipping sounds only drunks themselves every really hear. Fortuitous action as time slip streams into fourteen days later they emerge with the second mortgage paid in full is the title of the new novel the manuscript penned. Foward is to Haarvard Law eye never even once pulled a pistol off my belt from a holster meant to save my own life my natural life them days is over not living in a western now. When eye smoked eye counted time in five minute incremeants each cigarette a little time device devised to let me knoe the time. The bottemless was my glass was always half full never half empty. It takes time to leave one area to arrive at another the incursion is the process that is called the INfunction. The end result is always chaoes. INcluding the hurry avoiding the accidents that plague us all we hurry to avoid the rushing water soon it comes to add the miser hoards his gold and waits for leaving day the rush too many cooks while spoil the broth the breath the breathe into this tube tell me you bare sober once then twice the missive misses him. The aforementioned and the adjutant adjusted Infunction. Yes eye have the time. You read the poem you hit or then you miss.

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