the audience
Pauline is in peril. Captain America is making poetry. Four thousand children in a major big city some of them go to the cinema every Saturday. People get drunk and fall out in the aisles. People take out a bottle and nurse the children smile. Usually the film breaks at the best tense. Popcorn is not given to share beware. Cokes must be hidden in the dark recesses of the seats watch out they are coming oh they spilled my relief. I put my arm around her angora sweater and got a bite but not a nibble. Kisses was almost. Sex was unheard of only on the screen and sometimes in the balcony at better places seen. Sometimes when we was bad or mad or just unhappy kids we hollered shoot the good guy just to get revenge. Once at a movie house in Florida on the coast of retired persons they tried to embarress me so badly. I had paid $5.oo for a ticket to see Sean Connery. There was no way I wanted to leave this place. No refunded money see. They said Mister Seaneray is in the audience. I got deathly quiet you could heard the pin dropped. It sure sounded like him I was almost convinced until they snickered after me when i got up to leave. But I had had enought today back then of MR. Khan Seaneray and simply faded out and went away. After all I was laughing so hard at him up on that screen on that Motorcycle at His age. I was embarressed after all he could be living somewhere there in FLorida in the Senior ZOne. Whenever I ply my hair and look real stern the friends I have think pictures of me look like him. IN the Audience. All the ticking tocking clocks are several minutes off of every carbonite copy of themselves and every body with a watch has no synchronated time to share In the Audience.
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