Monday, August 17, 2009


Part One of WhirlyFritzerGLomeratialSilverPlater THree Parter


The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. This has been part one.

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