Pencilled inn with death available broiled in battle fighting elementals stone GIANTS shaking weavers beams stomping on my Davidic head breaking parts pieces of my humanity I needed my anatomy intact to live instead they gave me Death. INstead of freedom life and liberty they gave me a pencil. And so I pencilled in the water color added in the greenery sent to Baltimore for Oriels. Whatever there was needed. Escaped by the skine of my teeth and eluded the escape clause. Pause a running water creaking in the rest room divided down the middle with red tape. A gape. Agape. Ruinious measures bring solace to none. OUT OUT brief candle may elude to long tapirs as they snuff. I want warmth. The very thing that makes up life intangible is time I want more of that and more of this and when can we pay for it on layaway or time amiss. But layers of clothing bring me what I miss of love. A hat is GOD on head. A glove. A hand inside a glove is warmth. Feet incased in livery. Booties. Love. pENCILLED iNN.
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