WhirlyFritzerGlomeratialSilverPlater for Durango
Who entered Whirly®™ ZappersunlimitedLTD.org.net.web.dot then typed the instructional code with the twist at the end something like this EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 0092 repeating the last four digits to get the Companies attention. He was in Durango Colorado and needed a Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater sent there as soon as the Check cleared from the Colonel Palmer Hotel. CharlaXAndroidOneSeven had to order THERAMP@T.M. from Florida and called for Demolition Derby to remove the McDonalds from the parking lot next door. The Ramp would then be extended over the Train and the pipe was intended to be lain into the Animas River or the San Juan whichever one. Suddenly President Whirly had a great idea. A bicycle lock for blind people to use. He decided not to tell Romand Plence. Not until the parent company had been created and was a success. ed.note.ed please note this for later use. And so the parent company was borne they called it BlindMelonChildrenontheHorn.Com When a Blind child locks his bicycle they can FEEL the braille on the lock and turn it to the corresponding numbers. This is very expansive work.
plus or positive +-
- minus or negative -•
* times dot *ラ
@* times cross @*・
./ divided by ./ア
+- positive or negative (plus or minus) +-=
.k is equal to .k≠
/.k is not equal to /.k<
"k is less than "k>
.1 is greater than .1≤
"k: is less than or equal to "k:≥
.1: remember when only children rode bicycles. ANd no one had locks. The company logo was a blind man with sunglasses fingering the locked chain. GO figure this one. And so the order to Durango was cancelled. The Bottom line was signed NOT by the President of WHirly but the Treasurers Office and the Treasurer hisself Romand Plence. He started fast and then snowballed at the last. Here is the actual email.BlindMelonChildrenontheHorn.Com
YOu idiots you morons who authorized this parent company BLIND people cant ride Bicycles. ROmand Plence Treasurer of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater. Charlock7Android1 |
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