Monday, August 17, 2009



Remember when they caught you at it way back when. I answered Mother carefully very, "OH Mother now it is not so much fun to masticate alone if you knoe that I am doing it." You took the fun away from secret futiveness replaced it with just wretchedness and hurriedness. This last part was only to self secondness.  Mother looked at all those pictures of Elizabeth Taylor in her onepiece smiled her knoeing smile then said , "Well young man I knoe THAT you are doing THAT now for shame". But she was smiling when she said it. ANd you kept on masticating two sometimes three times a day. Sneaking looks at girl girl books. Magazines chewing at that nerve while looking at a girl with girl nothing on them but there smile and there umbrella page. Where the other girl was looking was causing my hair to grow in lengths unheard of on my pater natural. Mastication can cause Blindness and hair will grow there on them palms of your hands. It causes wetness in the lowlands. In dry places and hearts it yearns with desires too numerous to mention all of them at once I can only look from girl to girl and smile while paying at the barbershoppe some more to trim it off just let it go to hit the floor then sweep it up and out that door. I will never be bald.


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