When CharlaX dies they will say he left an unfinished document at google. They gave up property the inherited death they had goods even food and wine in common interest they shared the meals in meeting halls they stood around in smelling best laved and slaved for love. Should I tell someone else to be poor like Jesus did? Give up your Riches follow GOD like Jesus did? Give up being Mister Christian being poor is a lot like being GOD. I tell people to be users of there everything sell the land share the wealth as I have done poor Mister Christian. The only time someone tried to wash my hands and feet I told him no I do not want you touching me as I have these things upon my feet some sleeves to keep my feet from frezzing in the cold so please dont unwrap my feet as it would only publicly embarress me. Move your nose away from me Mister Christian. I simply do not want to frezze. I am poor a poor and simple MisterChristian.
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