Wednesday, October 28, 2009


 LXIII. CharlaXSHakeswilliam

Against my love shall be, she almost sprayed me enow,
With Time's smell upon my hand crushed and o'erworn;

When hours have drained the smell away and filled her brow
With lines and wrinkles; after all she was aiming it at youthful mourn

The othere Skunk Hath travelled on to age's sleepy night;
And all those ogres smell whereof now he's king
Are slow inn vanishing, please vanishe out of sight,
Stealing away the treasure of his springing steppe;
For such a time do I now wear a differant shirt
Against confounding age's cruel knifelike odour,
That he shall never cut from memory too quickly
My sweet love's beauty, hit him withe a full attack my lover's life.
    His beauty shall in these black furr white stripes be seen,
    And they shall live, and he in them still stinks.

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