Wednesday, October 21, 2009



We who have friends value the opinion of the friend more than we suspect that we have done wrong in a general direction gone the way of Cain he said there is writing and there is writing to be making something fill the spaces. I had no idea Today so I did a Paroday its still something that eye am proud of to me as good a poem as one made up what is the differance I must protest the use of Opinion aired to make me cringe and check with the bottom base line to make sure Im not just wasting time. A poem already written by a Dead Poet its just asking for it to be changed to something funny to be rhymed by a living poet it is this humble Opinion aired the greatest of emulations to give an old poem life. Perhaps my friend will read this one and discover that I am NOT wasting time a waste of time twold be to go to Shakespeares Grave and try to Raise him from the Dead though not a bad idea I cannot see myself standing there inside a fitted sheet making Incantations and Strang Runes while people crooned a lulluby singing in the Anchient style of Merry Olden Englande. William coming forth with hand extended back and snuff bowl at the ready. FORTHWAITH (gadzooks) Is the the Bard in fleshed out similitude of human? Out Out Briefs Bring me some Briefs. Ande soe Ie extende mye cloake. "What words do",  the Bard told me withe a winke,  "is fill up spaces",  indeed, CharlaX agreed they make whole pages of empty spaces to disappear continually until THE ENDE. In Mye Opinionaired.

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