Friday, October 23, 2009



The letter was too EMportant so the EMporor wanted no mistakes. He folded back the flap with the sticky side presssed down under the ENvelope the desk was still wet where some small boy had been swiping an old wet rag just before the EMporor ENfolded his ENvelope. He wanted to place the letter into the ENvelope. He pressed down even harder his wisened fingers powerful making the ENvelope stick to the desk even harder it was almost now permenant. Just an occidental fixture sort of sardonicly rivitted. The letter was folded the EMporor glancing sideways advancing the letter inch by slow inch into the ENvelope UNTIL. He twitched one way then he twitched otherwise. The ENvelope was still stuck fast. He was a victum now of happiness at least from the boy who had swiped the wet rag was aghast at the antics unfolding the letter with both hands pulling harder now it finally tore away from the flap was still glued to the desk while the EMporor fell to the floor. The boy hiding face behind hand not able to laugh out loud now at all. Look at the boy in the eyes go up close to see him stare laughter at the ENvelope.

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